Monthly Archives: February 2012


Learning to “Fly” — But I Ain’t Got Wings

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Alright, I know the title is bad grammar, but I’m quoting Tom Petty. That should count for something! For a couple of years I’ve said I’m going to learn how to tie flies.  I kept putting it off for one reason … Continue reading

Can You Say Scotty Dealer?!

I went to one of my favorite haunts this afternoon, Canoe Kentucky in Frankfort.  Man have those guys been working!  They’re carrying more fishing kayaks than ever plus now they have Yak Attack products, Scotty mounts, the list could go on and on!  Can’t wait till I need to go back over to see them again!!  Way to go Nathan and Allison! This will make getting the gear we long for so much easier!

Can’t wait to get all the new bling installed in my Hobie!  Woot!